
Roel's Place

Great, You have made it.......

Just in time to see the creation, the revelation and the implementation of internet art, culture and spirit.

Computers and technology as we know it are advancing faster than anyone could have ever estimated, and the global village of knowledge and awareness is now no more than a few bytes away. With this global scale ability to learn comes the responsibility of mankind to evaluate the vastness of this technology and the implications that come with this power. What you bring into this medium and what you take from the library of the internet is a reflection of you.

Censorship is not what others think but what YOU reflect


Obligatory Dedication Declaration

This site is dedicated to those who are just sane enough to be loose in the world and those slightly too insane to want to live in it.




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            (Roel's page)            

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Molson.gif (7663 bytes)

Let's sit down and have a bear

cool.gif (895 bytes)  To the Radio Links I found

cool.gif (895 bytes)  To the news paper links I found

A Little about my little home on the net: 

There are just a couple of links around here I think you must see so you can hit almost every image around here and it will bring you to some nice place's around I think. I hope you have as much fun as I did makeing all off this, let me know what you think of it, and in case you have some nice links I might add them !!!!



   Check out the weekly                                                 specials!!!!! for some special priced telecomunication products

Mail me

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This is a Sjakie © production



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